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Monthly Enrollments:

Register at any time! Please check the parent portal for the most up-to-date class schedule.


Students are allowed one make-up per month when a class is missed. Make-ups are subject to class availability and must be scheduled in the month the child missed the class. Exceptions are extended to students who missed in the last week of class.

*Please note class schedule is subject to change and availability for registration or make-ups is pending class size enrollments.

*Updated pricing for the year as listed above will begin in September 2023. For questions, please email On a mobile device please swipe on the above table to scroll.

Annual Family Membership Fee:

The $45 per family membership fee is due upon initial registration and on your anniversary date, thereafter.

Monthly Recreational Tuition Pricing

Monthly Recreational Tuition Pricing

Class Length Determines the monthly Tuition

Class Length (One day per week) Monthly Tuition
45 Minute Classes $74/mo
55 Minute Classes $83/mo
70 Minute Classes $99/mo
90 Minute Classes $115/mo
Register Here


When arriving for your first visit, please stop by the front desk to speak with our customer service team! Children should wear comfortable athletics clothing or a leotard. Clothing should be free of zippers and buttons.

Need to register? Click here to create your new account.

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For more information or to speak with a staff member please email us at or call us at (740) 335-8742.

A little girl in a yellow sweater is smiling with her hands on her face.

When using a mobile device,  please scroll to view the entire pricing table. →

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